Oregon Schools Busted Giving Psych Tests To Children
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

From FreedomProject Academy:

Government schools in Oregon have been ordering children in their care to fill out highly intrusive psychiatric and psychological surveys, asking about students’ mental state and experiences. The sensitive questions and the nature of the scheme prompted outrage among parents and activist groups.

Among other questions, students are asked if they ever feel nervous, anxious, or scared. They are also probed on whether they “hear voices” or even see things that others might not. And they are instructed to reveal whether they “had thoughts that kept coming into your mind that you would do something bad?”

Perhaps even more alarming, the questionnaire asks children if they have had an alcoholic drink, smoked tobacco, used drugs including marijuana, cocaine, crack, ecstasy, LSD, heroin, inhalants, solvents, methamphetamine, sleeping pills, prescription pain pills without a doctor’s prescription, and so on.

Suicide also features prominently, with the survey demanding that children reveal whether they have considered killing themselves over the last two weeks, or if they have “EVER” attempted suicide.

The controversial questionnaire, dubbed “DSM-5,” is based on the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5), a ubiquitous but widely ridiculed psychiatric “Bible” that classifies virtually everything as some sort of “disorder” invented by psychiatrists. More than a few experts and psychiatrists have warned that every person on the planet could be labeled with some sort of phony “illness” under DSM-5.

To read the rest of the article, click here.

Photo: Marilyn Nieves/E+/Getty Images