UN Dictators Club to Convene “World Humanitarian Summit”
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

Yes, yet another UN summit, in this year of unending global summits, where globalists, the UN’s self-important corrupt bureaucrats, and some of the world’s worst butchers and dictators can pose as humanitarian saviors.

This week the United Nations is holding its World Humanitarian Summit (WHS) Global Consultation in Geneva, Switzerland. The three-day event, October 14-16, is a culmination of the WHS Regional Consultations that have been held at various venues throughout the world since UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon announced the inauguration of the WHS in 2013. The intended climax of all of this activity is the first-ever World Humanitarian Summit of World Leaders, scheduled for May 23-24, 2016 — in that humanitarian capital of the world, Istanbul, Turkey. A major purpose of the WHS events is to amplify the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), which, as we have reported here, is an agenda for global socialism. A principal component of that agenda is the UN’s “financing for development” strategy, which calls for upping the ante in the global-redistribution-of-wealth game “from billions to trillions” — through a multitude of new global taxes and “contributions.”

Accomplishing this massive “transformative agenda” (as the globalist elites at the UN, IMF, World Bank, and one-world think tanks call it) will require huge, continuous tugs at American and European heartstrings and relentless manipulation and exploitation of the compassion response.

“Shock the Global Conscience”
In his briefing on the World Humanitarian Summit to the UN General Assembly on April 20, 2015, Ban Ki-moon said: 

Today’s headlines have brought new reminders of why the Summit is needed.

The death of hundreds of thousands of people and death of hundreds of migrants off the coast of Libya is not only deeply saddening — it should shock the global conscience. The Mediterranean is fast becoming a sea of misery for thousands of migrants. More than twice as many migrants have died at sea in the past year than on the Titanic. 

Of course, conspicuously missing from the secretary general’s humanitarian appeal was any admission that UN-approved wars in the Middle East and Africa, along with ongoing, actual atrocities and wholesale destruction carried out by UN “peacekeepers” (see article links below) are responsible for chaos, terror, privation, and misery that have created the migrant/refugee crisis.

“The number of people in need of humanitarian assistance around the world has doubled in just ten years,” Ban noted. “More people are displaced by conflict than at any time since 1945. That figure stands at over 51 million refugees,” he continued, but, again, without confessing the UN’s own role in creating this current calamity.

Then, as to be expected, the secretary general found a way to interject the UN’s favorite big-ticket agenda item into the discussion: global warming (aka “climate change”). “By 2050, we estimate that up to one billion people could be displaced by climate change,” Ban stated, recycling a completely discredited “climate refugee” argument that has been exposed repeatedly as ludicrous and fraudulent.

“In tandem with September’s Summit on the post-2015 sustainable development agenda and December’s climate change conference in Paris, the World Humanitarian Summit will be a key element of our global agenda for change and action to better serve the world’s people, above all the most vulnerable members of the human family,” Ban claimed. “The World Humanitarian Summit, and the consultations leading up to it, aim to build a more inclusive, diverse and truly global humanitarian system.”

Socialist International in Charge
The “truly global humanitarian system” to which Ban refers — global central planning and rule by UN-designated “experts” — is being planned by leaders of the Socialist International, the powerful global organization of radical socialist and communist parties that dominate the UN General Assembly and many top posts in the UN bureaucracy. They are joined in this effort by Communist Party apparatchiks from China and world government advocates from the Council on Foreign Relations.

The keynote speaker for the WHS gathering in Geneva on October 14 will be UN Deputy Secretary-General Jan Eliasson, a Swedish socialist long associated with the Socialist International. We have written of Eliasson previously, noting: “Prominent Socialist International members have dominated many of the UN’s agencies, departments, commissions, and conferences for decades. Yet, there is virtually no coverage in the mainstream media of this organization and the tremendous power it wields. Currently, former Swedish Foreign Minister Jan Eliasson serves as deputy secretary-general at the UN, second only to Ban Ki-moon in the organization’s hierarchy. Eliasson is a member of the Swedish Social Democratic Party, which is a member party of the Party of European Socialists and the Socialist International.”

In his key UN post, Eliasson regularly addresses meetings of the Socialist International (SI), collaborates with SI leaders, and helps stack the UN leviathan with SI cadres. Other key SI speakers/panelists at this “humanitarian” confab include:

• António Guterres — Serving currently as UN high commissioner for refugees, Guterres is the former Socialist Party prime minister of Portugal, former president of the European Council, and from 1999-2005 was president of the Socialist International.

• Nasima Razmyar — An Afghani migrant to Finland, the 31-year-old Razmyar has enjoyed a mercurial political career (Helsinki City Council, Finnish Parliament, and 2010 Finnish Refugee Woman of the Year). She is a member of Finland’s Social Democratic Party, in turn a member party of the Socialist International.

In addition, WHS speakers will include:

• Ertharin Cousin — A Chicago attorney and “community activist” from Obama’s old neighborhood, Cousin is an Obama UN appointee to the position of executive director of the World Food Program, the huge UN program that even many mainstream media outfits such as Newsweek and Reuters have condemned for “rampant corruption.” Along with UNHCR’s Guterres, Cousin serves on the UN’s very influential Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC)

• Dr. Margaret Chan — A reliable Communist Party functionary from the People’s Republic of China, Dr. Chan is director-general of the UN’s World Health Organization (WHO). Among other things, she has used her position at WHO to misdirect world attention away from Communist China’s numerous deadly scandals involving food contamination, such as, for instance, the PRC’s toxic milk and baby formula scandal that resulted in tens of thousands of casualties and an unknown number of deaths. She is also a member of the UN’s Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC).

“Unprecedented Global Drive for Change”
In its report for the Global Consultation in Geneva entitled “Restoring Humanity: Global Voices Calling for Change,” the WHS encapsulates for us the furious pace with which the UN and its globalist allies have been charging toward their New World Order. The report states: 

The Summit will take place within an unprecedented global drive for change. It is situated within the push for the renewal of global frameworks for disaster risk reduction (Sendai, March 2015), sustainable development (New York, September 2015), climate change (Paris, December 2015), and urban development (Quito, October 2016). It will also benefit from the reviews of the UN peacebuilding architecture (June 2015), UN peace operations (also June 2015), and the Women, Peace and Security agenda (October 2015); the High-Level Panels on Humanitarian Financing (November 2015) and the Global Response to Health Crises (December 2015); and the 32nd International Conference of the Red Cross and Red Crescent (Geneva, December 2015). 

The list of dizzying activity mentioned above, however, does not capture the entirety of the UN’s conference circuit of perpetual movable feasts and jet-setting to exotic venues. It leaves out, for instance, the very important conferences through which the UN has been grabbing for control of the Internet and the UN/IMF/World Bank conferences aimed at turning the International Monetary Fund into a global Federal Reserve with frightening monetary powers.

Follow the Money
As with the upcoming UN Climate Summit in Paris and all other UN affairs, whatever effect the WHS may accomplish, it will be only because of massive transfusions of money from the world’s taxpayers (principally the United States and the European Union) to the UN, its agencies, and its burgeoning Astroturf army of NGO “volunteers.” The WHS webpage listing its supporters makes clear that the UN’s “humanitarian” summit would be going nowhere if not for the fact that voters in Western countries are unknowingly allowing their national governments to rob them of their wherewithal and transfer it to the UN’s innumerable socialist projects.

 Image: screenshot from worldhumanitariansummit.org


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