The Limits of Evolution
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

Although scientists use the theory of evolution to explain many natural phenomena, they cannot explain the gap that exists between the highest jungle primate swinging in the trees and the human being attending an opera at La Scala, having flown in a jumbo jet from New York to Milan in about seven hours.

There is no missing link or series of missing links to explain that gap for one simple reason: Man is the product of Special Creation. He was made in the image of God, with the gift of language that distinguishes him from every other species on earth. And this special gift exists in the human brain, which scientists are only beginning to study with any serious objectivity.

This gift can be seen in the brains of human infants born with a powerful ability to listen to speech and learn language. No theory of evolution can explain the origin of this miraculous faculty.

As Noam Chomsky, the linguist and left-wing radical, has written in Language and Mind:

There seems to be no substance to the view that human language is simply a more complex instance of something to be found in the animal world. This poses a problem for the biologist, since, if true, it is an example of true “emergence” — the appearance of a qualitatively different phenomenon at a specific stage of complexity of organization.

In fact, the processes by which the human mind achieved its present stage of complexity and its particular form of innate organization are a total mystery.

Chomsky, an evolutionist and atheist, is capable of admitting that the emergence of language in human beings is a mystery. Evolutionists are understandably puzzled by what they cannot explain. So they argue that if this great Higher Power — or God — exists, why doesn’t he manifest himself, or herself, in ways that confirm his or her existence?

The irony is that God has indeed revealed Himself to the human race through a book called the Bible, in which the story of creation is told in very bold but simple terms, explaining why He created us and how we should enjoy the gifts He has bestowed on us.

We are the creations of a very generous God who gave us the gift of life so that we could enjoy its pleasures and opportunities to grow in grace and gratitude. But for reasons of intellectual pride and insolent disbelief, most scientists reject the Bible as myth and fiction and prefer to try to explain everything through a very faulty, simplistic, and unprovable theory called evolution.

And even when the limitations of the theory of evolution are pointed out by creationists, the evolutionists persist in trying to explain a world without God or creation. The result is bad science. For example, because they cannot explain the gap between the ape and us, they have decided that the gap does not exist. We are all apes, they say, based on the close genetic relationship between humans and other great apes. It is interesting that a secular scientist would prefer to believe this absurdity rather than that God created us for His own purposes.

Indeed, according to Wikipedia, this absurdity has reached the point where certain animal rights organizations, such as the Great Ape Project, claim that non-human great apes are persons and should be given basic human rights. Obviously, lunatic ideas can lead to lunatic policies.

Science is supposed to be the careful, objective observation and examination of all natural phenomena. It appears to be useful when it adheres to objective reality. But when scientists insist on imposing their idea of a Godless universe on our body of knowledge, they corrupt it with assertions that make no sense. We are not apes. The human brain is indeed a product of Special Creation; otherwise, it cannot be understood.

Dr. Samuel L. Blumenfeld is the author of nine books on education including NEA: Trojan Horse in American Education, The Whole Language/OBE Fraud, and The Victims of Dick & Jane and Other Essays. Of NEA: Trojan Horse in American Education, former U.S. Senator Steve Symms of Idaho said: “Every so often a book is written that can change the thinking of a nation. This book is one of them.” Mr. Blumenfeld’s columns have appeared in such diverse publications as Reason, The New American, The Chalcedon Report, Insight, Education Digest, Vital Speeches, WorldNetDaily, and others.

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