Climate Alarmists Cheer Ouster of Canada PM
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

With the electoral defeat this week of conservative Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper (shown) and his more liberty-oriented party, tax-funded global-warming theorists and the governments that support them breathed a sigh of relief. Now, with Harper and his recently ousted Australian counterpart out of the way, analysts say the United Nations and its mostly autocratic members have a better chance of success. At least one prominent opponent of the “climate hoax” is warning that Harper’s fall will facilitate the imposition of a “one world government.” But despite the apparent victories for global-warming alarmists, the UN’s radical “climate” agenda still faces major, potentially insurmountable hurdles — and not just because the undisputed satellite temperature record shows there has been no global warming for almost two decades and counting, debunking every one of the UN’s climate models.        

This December, the UN is convening its member regimes and Big Business at a massive confab in Paris in hopes of foisting a draconian “climate” agreement on all of humanity. If approved, the deal would ration energy, crush national sovereignty, redistribute wealth at the global level, and impose autocratic economic controls worldwide — all under the guise of curtailing emissions of what scientists know as the “gas of life” (CO2). While the theory that man’s puny carbon dioxide emissions are responsible for alleged “catastrophic anthropogenic (man-made) global warming” (AGW) has increasingly become the subject of ridicule among serious climate scientists and experts, the UN and the “Paris-ites,” as the warmists set to assemble in two months are being called, show no signs of abandoning the “climate” agenda and its associated policy measures.

Among Americans, a Pew survey last year showed that just 40 percent believe in the increasingly discredited AGW theory. Around the world, even among believers, people consistently rank “climate change” dead last on their lists of concerns and priorities, multiple polls have shown. But with the Obama administration and most Big Government-loving European politicians fully on board the imploding AGW bandwagon, there were just two prominent Western leaders potentially standing in the way of the UN’s dream of a global “climate” regime. One was Harper. The other, climate realist Tony Abbott, who famously said the AGW theory is “crap,” was ousted last month as Australian prime minister in a shady maneuver by Malcolm Turnbull, a global-warming alarmist and mega-wealthy former Goldman Sachs operative in Abbott’s own party. Alarmists worldwide celebrated.

Harper, admittedly, was a quiet skeptic of AGW theories at best, refusing to fully drink the Kool-Aid but also failing to properly denounce and expose the movement pushing global socialism under the pretext of saving humanity from CO2 — a crucial gas exhaled by humans and required by plants. Among other actions to protect Canadians, their liberties, and their economy, Harper was instrumental in removing his nation from the controls imposed under the last UN “climate” scheme, known as the Kyoto Protocol. The U.S. Senate never ratified it. A shrewd negotiator, Harper also called for similar controls to be imposed on China, India, and other nations before the Canadian government would consider destroying its people’s prosperity to battle alleged “man-made global warming.” Obviously, neither the Communist regime ruling China nor Indian authorities have any intention of crippling the nations they rule by mandating serious cuts in the “emissions” of their victims.

But despite his admittedly mild and tepid steps to restore some semblance of rationality, Harper was demonized by tax-funded global-warming alarmists around the world. A brief perusal of the far-left Huffington Post’s archives on Harper and “climate change,” for example, reveals a seemingly unending list of unhinged screeds about Harper’s “climate” heresies and his refusal to impose “serious climate action.” Everyone from deeply unpopular Socialist French President François Hollande and local politicians to tax-funded “non-governmental organizations” (NGOs) denounced Harper as if his moderation on AGW extremism were some kind of existential threat to the world.

Based on a report by the tax-funded “Climate Action Network Europe,” for instance, the far-left New Republic magazine slammed Harper and Abbott as the world’s “Worst Climate Villains.” Seriously. Tom Mulcair, leader of the leftist “New Democratic Party of Canada,” went even further by invoking World War II, saying Harper’s arguments against crippling the Canadian economy and slashing people’s standards of living to fight the AGW boogeyman could have been used to avoid fighting National Socialists (Nazis) in Germany. Seriously — global warming is the new Hitler apparently. “Mr. Harper doesn’t believe in the science of climate change, so he’s not doing anything,” fumed Mulcair.

Abbott, meanwhile, had been even bolder in standing up to the tax-funded AGW zealots and their shrieking. Elected to office in a landslide by pledging to kill the ultra-unpopular carbon tax and rein in tax-funded “climate” alarmism, Abbott delivered as quickly as possible. In a move that left alarmists around the world foaming at the mouth, Abbott’s party also produced a policy document vowing to oppose any more UN “socialism masquerading as environmentalism.” His senior advisor, Maurice Newman, even warned in a column published by one of the nation’s leading newspapers that the global-warming hoax was a poorly disguised ruse to impose a totalitarian “new world order” on humanity.

Needless to say, climate alarmists and their allies in the establishment press were outraged about the refusal of two prominent Western leaders to genuflect before what top scientists have referred to as everything from the climate “cult” to “global-warming Nazis.” In one of many propaganda “articles” celebrating Abbott’s ouster last month, for example, the Washington Post indicated that the AGW mafia was not done yet. In the article, headlined “Tony Abbott is out of a job, and another leading climate-change skeptic may soon follow,” the Post salivated while touting the prospect of Harper’s potential demise for failing to grovel sufficiently before the tax-devouring warming theorists and their increasingly debunked AGW theory.

“Under Harper’s watch, Canada has assumed the role of a kind of petro-state — a transformation that reflects Ottawa’s apparent lack of seriousness in enacting meaningful climate-change policy,” reported “journalist” Ishaan Tharoor, blasting Harper for allegedly proposing a “conservative alliance among ‘like-minded countries’” to work against Obama’s “climate” antics. “Though separated by thousands of miles,” warming alarmist Tharoor continued, referring to Abbott and Harper, “their political fates may soon echo the other.” Of course, it was not hard to predict, considering the rabid vitriol coming from the billion-tax-dollar-a-day “climate industry.” And this week, they got their wish, with Harper losing out to the leftist son of a former Canadian prime minister.  

Now, the warmists have Harper and Abbott both out of the way. And Canada’s newly elected prime minister, Justin Trudeau with the Liberal Party, wasted no time in assuring the billionaire-funded AGW industry that he planned to cooperate with their agenda. “In 2015, pretending that we have to choose between the economy and the environment is as harmful as it is wrong,” Trudeau declared before his election, calling for a “pan-Canadian” approach to dealing with the alleged threat of warming in a nation where, due to its Constitution, coercive power has traditionally been exercised mostly at the local and provincial level. As a secret U.S. cable on merging the United States, Canada, and Mexico to form a North American Community revealed, however, globalists have long been seeking to undermine those constitutional protections.    

According to Time magazine, Trudeau is hoping to usurp draconian new powers and foist a climate regime on all of Canada based on “carbon pricing,” perhaps even modeled on Obama’s anti-constitutional “Clean Power” decrees and regulations imposed with his infamous “pen and phone.” Presumably, though, in Canada, the people’s elected representatives in Parliament will at least have an opportunity to vote on the issue — unlike the U.S. Congress under Obama, which was bypassed when the White House imposed its radical schemes by decree after even the Democrat-controlled Congress refused to impose his devastating “cap-and-trade” scheme.

Unsurprisingly, Time made no attempt to conceal its undisguised alarmism bias — “Why Justin Trudeau’s Election Is Good News for the Fight Against Climate Change” was the headline. But it did acknowledge the fact that Canada’s constitutional system and strictly limited federal powers will make imposing such a scheme at the national level much more difficult. Of course, the U.S. Constitution also precludes Obama’s antics, but so far, neither Congress nor the courts have taken serious action to stop the usurpation and abuse.       

The global implications of Harper’s defeat after nearly a decade in power may prove more significant still. According to Lord Christopher Monckton, a policy advisor to former U.K. Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher and one of the most well-known opponents of the UN’s supposed environmental agenda, after Abbott’s ouster (something Monckton predicted in 2014), Harper was the last man standing against the imposition of a UN-led “one-world government” under the guise of combating alleged AGW. As such, the anti-communist Canadian leader has been in the crosshairs of global warmists and their backers worldwide for years, with tax-funded NGOs regularly blasting Canada for its sensibility.  

“This (environmental treaty) process has nothing to do with the weather,” Monckton was quoted as saying by, warning that the proposed UN climate regime was a threat to freedom, sovereignty, self-government, and Christianity. “It has nothing to do with man’s impact on the weather. It has everything to do with establishing the socialist international at the heart of the UN and making every nation bow the knee to this new dictatorship, and the climate is merely a fig leaf to cover what they are trying to do.” Abbott’s advisor Newman made similar arguments in his column denouncing AGW theorists and their globalist agenda.  

Monckton also noted that during a conversation with the U.K. government’s “climate change ambassador” at the House of Commons, the alarmist official said governments worldwide were ready to surrender the rights of their people via a UN “climate treaty” — but that two holdouts, Harper and Abbott, stood in the way. “One is Canada, but don’t worry about Canada,” Monckton recalled the U.K. ambassador saying. “They’ve got an election in the spring of 2015 and we and the UN will make sure that the present government is removed.”

And indeed, it appears that the warmists and their establishment backers succeeded. But it will hardly be smooth sailing for the UN and the warmists. Already, the Obama administration, the Socialist French government, and the UN have been forced into plotting to bypass the U.S. Constitution’s method for ratifying treaties and the American people’s elected representatives in order to impose the scheme on the whole world. If the agreement came to the Senate, of course, it would go down in flames. Aside from the illegal plot being brazenly anti-constitutional, the GOP majority in Congress could easily smash it by simply refusing to fund it. If not, the courts may strike it down, or the next president could reverse it with his pen. 

Meanwhile, in France, the government-controlled media giant’s top meteorologist just blew the whistle on global-warming alarmism with a new book demolishing the UN-backed narrative. With record sea ice in the Antarctic, no warming in almost two decades, and practically every falsifiable UN “climate” prediction having been exposed as embarrassingly wrong, the theory has imploded on the world stage. Still, the “Paris-ites” are doing their best to conceal the facts ahead of the December UN summit. That means it is up to Americans to educate themselves and their elected representatives on the phony alarmist “science” and the radical agenda it underpins — before it is too late.   

Photo: AP Images

Alex Newman, a foreign correspondent for The New American, is normally based in Europe. Follow him on Twitter @ALEXNEWMAN_JOU. He can be reached at [email protected].

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